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exhibitions and events


Artist Residency, Hambidge, May-June 2021


Georgia Council of the Arts, Fellow, 2021

Commission: Colossal Media February 2021


Live Discussion with Camp Gallery

CAMP GALLERY  THE CONTEMPORARY ART MODERN PROJECT   "Art from an Experienced Based Identity"   (OVR available ) Dec. 15 - Feb 15 2021

Interview: Cameron Wade's Lemonade (YouTube) Starts at 5:24

Interview: 123 Art Net Magazine


Commission: NAACP United States 2020 Election Campaign Poster Artist (VoteInTheirHonor.Com) 

Brown Sugar Bake-Off Black Woman Virtual Play Festival.  Playwright for "Black in the Box" Oct. 17, 2020

Commission: Great Guns Advertising Agency, London, England (June 2020)

"Breathing While Black," Augusta Savage Gallery, Sept 1 - Nov. 30 (Virtual Exhibition due to Covid 19)


Exhibit for Socially and Politically Engaged Art, Reece Museum Oct.5 - December 15, 2020


Atlanta Airport Artwork on display on T-Gate (Winner-Best in Show) Nov. 2019- October 2020

The Unbound Trilogy Solo Exhibition for a stage play written around my artwork. Synchro Theatre, Sept 2019


New Orleans Art Association National Exhibition, (Juried) New Orleans, LA, August 2019 

An Evening at the Reece Museum with an Emmett Till Painting. (December 2018)  (AVAILABLE ON YOU TUBE)

Marietta Cobb Museum of Art "Metro Montage"  (Juried).  Marietta, GA   July 7 - Sept 4, 2018

NODA  (Invitational/ 26 pieces) "Art, Women, Power."   Charlotte, NC  January 14- May 1, 2018  


Reece Museum "Fletcher Exhibit,"  (Juried) Johnson City, TN  October-December 2017


Steffen Thomas Museum, Buckhead, Georgia (Invitational) "Steffen Thomas: A Legacy in Atlanta" August 24 - October 30, 2017


TED Talk, Deer Park, NY "What Does Art Want With You?"

Gallery 72 and the Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs (Invitational) "Steffen Thomas: A Legacy in Atlanta" June 9 - August 1, 2017

New Orleans Art Association National Exhibition, (Juried) New Orleans, LA  March 2017

Reece Museum "Fletcher Exhibition for Socially and Politically Engaged Art (Juried) (3  pieces selected)," Johnson City, TN, Oct-Dec 2016

Marietta Cobb Museum of Art Metro Montage Juried Exhibition, Marietta, GA June –Sept 2016

Limelight Gallery, Atlanta, GA, June – July 2016

Onsite Gallery Brooklyn, “Contemporary Faces”, Brooklyn, NY, June 2015

Benjamin E. Mays Super Arts Festival, Atlanta, GA,  April 2015

Black History Month Show, Saint Leo University, February 2013


Special Events

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